Happy Days

Happy Days

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Dear Enemy,

Today I try to make peace, peace with you cancer, I am tired of fighting you, we are going to be in each others life so is there any way we can learn to get along. There is no way to rid you, no matter if you are active, non active you are going to be in my life. You have been in my life for a long time, your first presence was made when you took my Great grandmother from me many years ago, she was the most important person in my life to this day and you took her. You have taken so many wonderful people from myself and those I love. You are evil, but I am trying to make peace with you so that I can live with you. I am not going to quit trying to harm you, I promise that I will never stop hating you, but I have to make peace with you in order to live my life. You have taken enough lives, you don't need mine, you don't need his, we will live in spite of you.

Hearts are breaking today because of you, it hits home today as my heart is breaking, but you do this every minute of every day to someone. From those who are just getting the news, hearing those words for the first time to those who are mourning the loss of a life you have taken from them. Right now as I write this you are hurting someone and for that reason I may never find peace with you, but I am trying. You are a selfish uncaring presence, you take sleep away from us, you hurt us, you make us cry, you cancer, you take away security and balance, you however can not take away our love. Love is something that you will never have nor take. There is none that has not been touched by you in one way or another so I know with all the people in the world there are those who have learned to make peace with you so I know it can be done.

I will need help in doing this, I will need help everyday to have peace with you in my life, help from friends and helps from god, help from family. I know that I am more fortunate than others, I lost my grandmother, but I still have my husband. I am not grateful to you for that, but I am grateful that I have him. I know that if we get the results we want to hear, the results that you are in hiding, that we scared you away and he is in remission it may make it easier to find that peace. However the fear of a re-occurrence or a new form of your ugly face will again make it hard. You are in my head, you are in my dreams and you consume my heart today, but today is the day that I try to find peace with you so that you can no longer have that power over me and I will take my life back from you some how and in time I will accomplish this goal. I will simply give you the middle finger and bid adieu as I take him to chemo and we fight you in more than one way!

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